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Record of Work-related injuries
Hearing exams
Annually Posted Injury

Occupational Health Management and Compliance System

Occupational Health Module

Record of Work-related Injuries and Illnesses

Cyfluent’s power in recording work-related injuries and illnesses in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) policies and regulations is that it naturally extends from a modern EHR system. Thus, the nature of juries and illnesses can be understood in the context of the employee’s total health state. This allows OSH analysts to isolate patterns between certain health status, such as physical fitness and prior illnesses, and vulnerabilities to specific types of work-related medical issues. Our system allows each organization is ingest their employees’ complete longitudinal medical history from different sources and create a common medical reference frame for measuring and recording injuries and illnesses.


As each work environment has unique vulnerability profiles, Cyfluent’s adaptive forms structure allows the user to both maintain standard metrics and to configure additional metrics to gather details on specific injuries and illnesses. In such manner, each user community can create a deeper profile of root causes for injuries and illnesses and to establish better preventative measures. The EHR integration also allows OSH focused clinicians to provide treatment insights to first responders and primary care physicians for the impacted employees. Recognizing the importance of historical records and longitudinal data, Cyfluent further supports a robust paper to digital conversion processes.


Hearing and Other Exams Required by OSHA Act Standards

In patient engagement, Cyfluent supports all treatment pathways, chronic disease management, prescription management, computerized physician order entry (CPOE), interoperable encounter documentation, clinical flowcharts, structured and unstructured medical notes, and nutritional notes. Each encounter mimics the paper note for ease of use, making all sections of a progress note visible from one screen. Multiple Encounters for a patient can be opened simultaneously to quickly review previous problems. Clinicians can document quickly and efficiently through customizable templates that enables them to compose sentences and paragraphs according to selections and entries made during the encounter.


Annually Posted Injury and Illness Summary Data

Cyfluent automatically integrates OSH examination results for a user community to support required annual reporting. This integration is done continuously so that users can see their organizational injuries and illnesses profile throughout each year. Continuous awareness helps decision makers to avoid the impact of new environmental threats by taking immediate preventative or corrective actions.


24 Hours OSHA Workplace Fatality Notification

Cyfluent has quick reaction compliance forms based on OSH Act. One of these forms is the compliant reporting of workplace fatality. We understand that during such high stress conditions, there is a great deal of chaos. Our system and forms ensure that essential tasks are completed and recorded correctly. Built in alerts ensure that deadlines are met and that schedules are maintained. 


Workplace Medical Records for Employees

Pursuant to OSHA requirements, our system will produce policy compliant medical records for employee requests. These reports can be generated in electronic formats and as paper printout. We can generate in a format that supports integration with other EHR systems. All our reports and delivery processes are fully compliant with HIPAA and Privacy Act standards.


OSHA New Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

Cyfluent meets all OSHA recordkeeping and reporting requirements. We ensure the consistency and / or traceability of data item specifications across longitudinal records. To support injury and illness investigations, our records are easy to identify and access through a multi-vector indexing system, and our reporting function contains a robust set of graphing features.

24 Hours OSHA
Workplace Medical Records for Employees
OSHA New Recordkeeping
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